Tea with Joon "Jo" Williams

If I could have tea with anyone today, it would be beauty queen Jo Williams.

Williams was selected in 1958 to be the seated at the head of the Pasadena Rose Bowl parade, until city officials realized she was an African American woman. She was then snubbed and told there wasn't any money so she could not take her rightful place.

Until now. 

She will be recognized in the 2015 parade, 57 years after she should have been honored.
She is till quite a beautiful woman with a beautiful family with a wonderful legacy she is passing on to her grandchildren.

I would have a cup of Endurance Tea with Ms. Williams. And I would ask her how did she not turn bitter over the years. What lesson can she pass on to all of us?

And after we finish sipping, I'd suggest a cup of Inspiration Tea. Her experiences have inspired me and her story will influence other young women who may feel wronged at some point in their careers but need to know they can go on to live wonderful lives without bitterness.